Category Archives: Replication

First: Connecting Related Objects Proof of Concept

This is a 2- or 3-student group assignment. Include everyone’s names. Each of you have to submit the work.
Connecting words that are not easily related is a monumental task. Research on this topic has been going on for decades and there are many approaches or “philosophies”.
Your assignment is as follows:

  1. Find online sources of information about projects and/or research done in institutions . Do not limit yourself to only one. Find at least two of them and compare their approach.

  2. Describe both graph generators you found online. Pick one and describe the approach about manipulating “words” as data to be connected in some way so you can use it to draw a “connected words graph” yourself by hand.

  3. “Create” your own approach and write a short paragraph describing your strategy to accomplish the task. Generate a graph with your own model.
    To be more specific on part 2, you want to search for understanding on how the words on the animation below are selected. You have to be able to understand it well enough to use that algorithm to generate your own graph when given a random word. You will be allowed to use a “dictionary”, “thesaurus” and any other “word-analysis” available but you cannot use a “graph” generator. You should test your “algorithm” with a word of your choice. Use scrap paper from the paper bin by the student station (the cart between the 2 windows in the back).

The assignments is completed when you turn in 2 connected objects graphs and 3 descriptions.

NOTE: the animation is not of interest in this research.

Notes from your teacher: This assignments is about research, replication and creation.

a) In research you learn how the graph generators work. You understand it well enough so you can talk about it clearly.

b) Since you know the process you can replicate the outcome by generating your graph by hand.

c) Once you learn what you research and replicate it the outcome by hand, you should have a deep understanding of how graph generators work. At this point you be able to create your own. It might be simpler, more complex or totally different. However, your graph must be true to the algorithm/description you define.