Category Archives: Announcements

First: Welcome

Welcome to Intro to Java and Object-Oriented Design!!!

In this class you will learn the java programming syntax

Design algorithms to calculate or compute mathematical numbers like the Fibonacci sequence

Write programs to draw shapes
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Implement programs to animate an image

and much more!!

Event: Competition – picoCTF

What is picoCTF?

picoCTF is a free computer security game with original educational content built on a capture-the-flag framework created by security and privacy experts at Carnegie Mellon University.

Gain access to a safe and unique hands-on experience where participants must reverse engineer, break, hack, decrypt, and think creatively and critically to solve the challenges and capture the flags.

Sign up now and explore picoCTF’s newest features where you can build skills in the picoGym and read about cybersecurity terminology and principles with the picoPrimer.

Conditionals: – Needs fixing

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Things to keep in mind when submitting your work:
1. Copy and paste your program in the post.
2. Attach your file(s).
3. Make sure your program has a header and the input/output.
4. If your program doesn’t run, an explanation should be the first line in the post.

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Classwork: Use a while loop to show how the investment increases as the accumulated total becomes at least $1,100 at an interest rate of 1.2% when $1,000 is deposited in a savings bank account.

The table should have the following columns:

year      accum interest/year          total accumulated up to this year  
 1        12.0                         1012.0
 2        24.14                        1024.14
 3        36.43                        1036.43

Number of years for the investment of $1000 to reach at least a value of $1,100 with an interest rate of 1.2% is  8

Homework: Create another table that compares how you use the formula P(1+r)^t, where t is the number of years and how your program calculates the equivalent values.
End up your assignment with a conclusion about the similarities and the differences between the two approaches.

Conditionals: Gambler

The term gambler’s ruin is a statistical concept, most commonly expressed as the fact that a gambler playing a negative expected value game will eventually go broke, regardless of their betting system.

The original meaning of the term is that a persistent gambler who raises his bet to a fixed fraction of bankroll when he wins but does not reduce it when he loses, will eventually and inevitably go broke, even if he has a positive expected value on each bet.

Web-based app


Khan Academy and Breakthrough Prize

“From now until October 7, Khan Academy and Breakthrough Prize are seeking video submissions that explain a challenging and important concept or theory in mathematics, life sciences, or physics. If you’re between 13 and 18, and you have a passion for explaining ideas and concepts creatively, you can enter the Breakthrough Junior Challenge!
Learn more about the Breakthrough Junior Challenge
Not only can you dig into a topic that you’re passionate about, but there are also great prizes to be won, including a $250,000 scholarship for you, a $50,000 award for your teacher, and a state-of-the-art $100,000 science lab for your school. The winner will also be invited California, where the prize will be awarded in front of the superstars of science, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood.

If you enter, you’ll view and assess other participants’ videos in a peer-to-peer review process. Submissions will then be assessed by leaders in science, technology, and education selected by Khan Academy and by Breakthrough Prize laureates. The judges will select a winner based on how engaging, illuminating, and creative their video is, and how challenging the concept is to understand.

The deadline for submissions is October 7, so register today at We hope you’ll be inspired to get involved – and share your passion for understanding the world!


Erin and the Khan Academy content team”

Q4 Grades and Assignments

I hope you and your family are well.
Q4 assignments and projects must be in by June 11th since I must submit all grades by June 16th.
Submit whatever you have done by that date preferably before if possible. 
Any submitted assignment with issues should have a description of the problem in the first line of your documentation.
If you cannot complete an assignment, email me and let me know about it. I am flexible and open to suggestions. Talk to me!!
After June 11th,
Stay healthy. Stay safe.



Pi Day Activity

March 11th, 2016


Monday is Pi Day – We will have a pi-day activity ending on Monday.
Starting today we are celebrating Pi day by preparing to write a program to do one of the following:
1. Calculate the digits of Pi to highest possible precision. DOCUMENT YOUR MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION AND THE LINK TO THE RESOURCE.
2. Illustrate how Pi is used in a circle.
3. Illustrate how Pi can be applied.
4. Illustrate how Pi was discovered by telling an interactive story.




The programs will be judge based on ingenuity and/or creativity.
NOTE: You can use online resources to help you develop your program. There are good algorithms online. You can not use already written programs.
Include any links used for your resources.

If you like to memorize some of the digits of pi, there will be a competition on Friday. The student who can write the most digits without any help, get a small trophy.

Homework: Explore and investigate the uses and history of pi.