Good programming style:
- Header (Description, author’s name, date, and java version)
- Imports if any.
- Driver or tester class.
- The program should have a proper exit with a message.
- Input/output included as a paragraph comment.

The following description of this assignment can be modified to suit the requirements: it should use at least an ArrayList, it should be object-oriented, and have good programming practices.
Write a java program,, and to provide calories and fat content in a selected number of foods.
– Choose 4 different categories of foods from the link attached to the image or any other resource you might want to use.
– Write a function for each of the categories with at least 5 food choices.
– Display a menu and prompt the user for choices.
– Once the user is finished selecting, display the number of calories and the fat content.
1. Meats 2. Grains 3. Vegetables 4. Fruit Choose a category: 2 1. Rice, brown long-grain Fat: 1.8 grams Calories: 216 2. Pasta, whole wheat Fat: 1 gram Calories: 214 3. Pasta, corn Fat: 1.5 grams Calories: 210 4. Pasta, Quinoa Fat: 0 grams Calories: 200 5. Pasta, Soba (buckwheat) Fat: 1.5 grams Calories: 190 Choose the food: 4 Do you want to continue? y/n if the answer is not: The total gram of fat is ... and the calories are ... Would you like to start again? y/n else 1. Meats 2. Grains 3. Vegetables 4. Fruit Choose a category:
Required submission:
- A short video.
- Copy and paste both programs.
- Submit the zipped project.