Practice-It is a web application to help you practice solving Java programming problems online.
To use Practice-It, first create an account, then choose a problem from our list. Type a solution and submit it to our server. The system will test it and tell you whether your solution is correct.
Marty Stepp, of Stanford University Computer Science, is the primary developer of Practice-It, although Practice-It is an independent tool not directly affiliated with Stanford University nor any other university. Marty runs a similar site, CodeStepByStep.com, that offers a different selection of coding problems for Java, C++ and Python.
Current contributors to Practice-It also include:
- Melissa Galloway, University of Washington
- Ryan Rowe, University of Washington
- Whitaker Brand, University of Washington
Some notable past contributors to the development and administration of Practice-It are:
- Katlyn Edwards
- Zack Cava
- Jessica Miller
Some former students and TAs who have authored or ported a significant number of problems into Practice-It include:
- Roy McElmurry
- Robert Baxter
- Leslie Ferguson
Also thanks to:
- Zorah Fung for drawing the Practice-It logo image and mascot
- Glen Herrmannsfeldt from Caltech for contacting us with many bug fixes and suggestions for improvement to the quality of the system
- Countless other teaching assistants and colleagues who added problems
Practice-It is inspired by similar tools such as CodingBat, JavaBall, and CodeWrite.