If you are interested in an intense summer program on computer science algorithms, Professor Gandhi started accepting applications for the 2017 Summer Program in Algorithmic and Combinatorial Thinking – PACT. More information on registration can be found here:
Monthly Archives: March 2019
Pi Day Activity
March 11th, 2016
Monday is Pi Day – We will have a pi-day activity ending on Monday.
Starting today we are celebrating Pi day by preparing to write a program to do one of the following:
1. Calculate the digits of Pi to highest possible precision. DOCUMENT YOUR MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION AND THE LINK TO THE RESOURCE.
2. Illustrate how Pi is used in a circle.
3. Illustrate how Pi can be applied.
4. Illustrate how Pi was discovered by telling an interactive story.
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian
The programs will be judge based on ingenuity and/or creativity.
NOTE: You can use online resources to help you develop your program. There are good algorithms online. You can not use already written programs.
Include any links used for your resources.
If you like to memorize some of the digits of pi, there will be a competition on Friday. The student who can write the most digits without any help, get a small trophy.
Homework: Explore and investigate the uses and history of pi.