Welcome to Java Programming!
Send emails to this address: gracielaelia@princetonk12.org
Share google docs to this address: gracielaelia@pps.princetonk12.org
Topics covered:
- Built-in Types
- Conditional and Loops
- Introduction to Arrays
- Input and Output
- Introduction to Object Oriented programming
Class Resource – Book site at PU and Big Java textbook

- Online resources from Intro to Programming in Java by Sedgeweick and Wayne
- Online resources from Big Java by Horstmannt
- Other Online Resources
Note: assessment resources are defined in class and students must take notes and keep all assignments posted on edmodo.com as a reference for assessments.
Students must share their notes and keep them updated. I will be checking notes periodically.
Students only need to share their notes once to this email mrseliaphs@gmail.com.
- Open-notes class quizzes
- Flowcharts
- Pseudocode
- Written Test
- Programming Tests

Mrs. Elia’s
“Company Policy”
Java Computer Programming
Grade composition:
30% Notes
30% Daily class participation, and pop quizzes
40% Quizzes, Tests, and projects.
Some projects will be weighted as a test and others as class activity .
The student is responsible for completion and correction of homework assigned.
Homework will be checked randomly. Neatness and completeness is important.
Class starts immediately!
Every student is expected to be in the classroom and prepared for class after the second bell. There will be “break-detention” for the student who is chronically late.
Student is responsible for making up missed work. Check the class website and Edmodo.com for lessons and assignments. I’m available to answer questions during periods 2 and 7. Hours after school can also be scheduled by appointment.
Absent for a test or quiz
If you are absent the day of an announced quiz or test, you are expected to take the quiz/test on the day you return. If the make up is not taken, the quiz/test will be assigned a grade of zero.
Submission policy. You must submit your solutions electronically via edmodo.com. Be sure to follow these steps:
Find the assignment’s post
Copy and paste your work on the post.
If the assignment is a program, you also have to attach the file to the post.
The file has to have your initials followed an underscore and the program name.
Every program has to have a header:
- Assignment description
- Author’s name
- Date
- Input and output if they are part of the assignment
- If the program doesn’t run successfully, write a short paragraph as part of the program header explaining the problem.
You can resubmit an assignment as needed up until the submission deadline. However, you may still submit it as late but you will not get full credit for it.
If you are working with a partner, both must submit your assignment.
Grading policy – Your code will be graded for correctness, efficiency, clarity, and style (including comments).
Grades: correct assignments based on the grading policy turned on or before the due date will earn a grade of A.
“Hard” Due Dates for Quarter 1: 9/25, 10/31, and 11/7 + EO MP 11/13
“Hard” Due Dates for Quarter 2: 12/6, 1/9, and 1/22 + EO MP 1/29
“Hard” Due Dates for Quarter 3: 2/20, 3/15, and 4/3 + EO MP 4/19
“Hard” Due Dates for Quarter 4: 5/1,5/24, + EO MP 6/19
Quarter 1
Begins: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 Anchor (X) cycle day
Ends: Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Progress Reports Due: Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Quarter 2
Begins: Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Ends: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 Anchor (X) cycle day
Progress Reports Due: Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Quarter 3
Begins: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 Anchor (X) cycle day
Ends: Friday, April 12, 2019
Progress Reports Due: Monday, March 4, 2019
Quarter 4
Begins: Monday, April 15, 2019
Ends: Wednesday, June 19, 2019… or the last day of school Anchor (X) cycle day
Progress Reports Due: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
A- 1 day late
B+ 2 days late
B 3 days late
B- 4 days late
C+ 5 days late
C 6 days late
C- 7 days late
D+ 8 days late
D 9 days late
D- 10 days late
F 11 days late
0 when it is turned in over 11 days after the “hard” due date.
I encourage you to talk to me ahead of time if this is a problem.
NOTE: the latest time to turn in an assignment on the “hard” due date is 11:45 PM unless a different time is posted.
Collaboration policy – Collaboration is welcome and encouraged. However, that is not always the case. Before you start any assignment check whether you are allowed to:
- Discuss concepts with your partner/classmates.
- Talk about error messages with your partner/classmates.
- You are always allowed to:
- Get help on how to use your IDE with your partner/classmates.
- Discuss language syntax with your partner/classmates.
- Discuss the assignments specifications and limitations.
You should never:
- Give code/solutions away to anyone.
- View code/solutions from partner/classmates.
- Plagiarize code/solutions from anyone or any other sources.
Use of outside resources – Looking at implementations from other authors and internet is prohibited.
Cheating policy – “Absolute zero”. In addition, parents will be contacted.
Technology in the classroom
The computers in the lab are educational tools and should be used and care for as such.
Do not surf the Internet. Do not visit sites other than the ones needed for your work/enrichment.
Seating assignment will be re-shuffled every marking period or as needed.
How to contact Mrs. Elia
My office is in room 234 but you check if I am in room 242 first. My availability should be during periods 3 and 7. I am always available after school for a quick answer. If you need more time, schedule an appointment.<
My telephone number is (609) 806-4280 extension 3631. You will get a quicker response if you email me.
During break, you could find me in room 242.
My email address is gracielaelia@princetonk12.org. I encourage you to communicate with me as much as possible.
All classwork, homework, and projects should be turned in to edmodo.com
edmodo.com and create an account. If you already have an account, find your class period group code in PS Learning.
Please use your full name as your screen name.
How to copy your code, submit, resubmit an assignment and attach a file using a comment.
Edmodo.com for parents: